Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Counseling Service on an HBCU Campus
    By: Anisah Bagasra, Ph.D.
             Claflin University

    Minority students’ underutilization of mental health services can impact their abilities to learn and thrive in the college
    environment. Underutilization has often been tied to attitudes toward counseling and counselors.  Previous research
    found that African American college students were more likely to possess a negative attitude toward counseling, and
    view counseling as a sign of weakness or potential source of embarrassment. The purpose of this study is to examine
    knowledge of, and attitudes towards, campus counseling services on an HBCU campus.  
    More Information
International Journal of
Ethnic College Health
Volume 4, Issue Number 1
May 2018
ISSN 2167-4108
International Journal of
Ethnic College Health
Volume 4, Issue Number 1

Dr. Tralonda Triplett

Managing Editor
Tremene Triplett, MA, BBA

Contributing Editors
Quantrilla Ard, MPH
Independent Consultant

Catrell Harris, MPH, PhD
Director of Science and Education
National Osteoporosis Foundation

Vanessa Lopez-Littleton, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor,
California State University
Monterey Bay

Yvette Murray-Thomas, MMSc, PA-C
NRCME Certified Medical Director
The inaugural issue of the International Journal of Ethnic College Health (IJECH) is committed
to establishing its role as the leading repository of health promotion and disease prevention
strategies at Minority-Serving Institutions worldwide.

To that end, IJECH features articles from health professionals at MSIs, highlights exemplary
professionals in the fields of public health research and provides insights on contemporary issues
affecting health promotion and disease prevention among college-attending emerging adult
populations of diverse cultural backgrounds.

International Journal of Ethnic College Health is published by the Institute for Successful
Leadership, Inc., exclusively for subscribing members. Full articles are available to IJECH
subscribers. References for published articles and any additional questions are available upon
request to the Institute for Successful Leadership, Inc.  For more information on subscriptions,
please click
here.  To submit abstracts for publication, please contact IJECHonline@gmail.com.

    It’s Complicated: Black College Women Dating Experiences        
    By:  Maudry-Beverley Lashley, PhD, Vanessa J. Marshall, PhD, and TyWanda L. McLaurin-Jones, PhD
    Medgar Evers College (CUNY) & Howard University

    The college experience presents many opportunities for dating, partnerships, and intimacy that have implications for
    sexual health. Yet, there is limited research about the dating experiences and influential risk and/or protective factors
    among racial/ethnic college students. This study employed a qualitative content analysis to investigate the
    perceptions of one hundred Black college students aged 18-25 and their dating and intimate relationship
    experiences.   More Information

    The Perceived Risk Hierarchy Theory (PRHT):™ A New Framework for Understanding Health Risk and
    Reality among African American Emerging Adult
    By:  Lorece V. Edwards, DrPH, Ian Lindong, MD, Lawrrence Brown, PhD, Sabriya Dennis, DrPH, Alvin Moody, Everse
    Pullen, BA, and Marcus Henry
    Morgan State University School of Community Health & Policy

    The Perceived Risk Hierarchy Theory (PRHT) is a new framework for understanding health risk, trauma and survival
    expectations among African American emerging adults. The PRHT was developed by public health scholars to explain
    the lack of concern for preventive health screenings for early detection of communicable/infectious diseases.
    Recognizing and making the collective experiences of urban young must become a priority. Robust restorative
    practices are important steps that will aid in building trust, healthy- relationships, resolve conflicts, and minimize the
    barriers to learning, remembering, and applying re-purposed preventive education. Bearing in mind the political
    landscape, return on investment (ROI) is no longer an option. The PRHT, allows one to recognize the competing
    factors associated with improved outcomes and implement the appropriate strategies.  More Information

    Dr. Terrence Thomas, Professor
    North Carolina A&T State University
    By:  Treméne Triplett, MA, BBA
    Institute for Successful Leadership, Inc.

    The International Journal of Ethnic College Health is honored to salute Dr. Terrence Thomas, professor, North
    Carolina A&T State University, for his vision and tenacity to become principal investigator of a grant to relieve
    Northeast Greensboro’s long-term, community-wide issue of existing in a food desert. Committed to helping the
    community’s plight, Thomas wrote the grant which satisfied the goal of NC A&T School of Agriculture and the
    Agriculture Research program: to support the development of communities and small farmers.
    For his selfless, tireless efforts, IJECH salutes Dr. Terrence Thomas. More Information
IJECH At-A-Glance
Institute for Successful Leadership, Inc.
...Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things
Celebrating Service To Diverse Populations & Organizations Worldwide Since 1996

    Professional development must remain a priority for public health leaders, diverse workforces, and collaborative partners.  Click
    here to review and select events that enhance your competencies and expertise to respond to the changing needs of MSI student

    Please note, the Institute for Successful Leadership accepts no responsibility for the content or completion of listed events and recommends
    adequate and due diligence before attendance.


    Take Charge Project: An HIV/HCV and Substance Abuse Initiative for African-American Young Adults in
    Metro Atlanta
    By:  Clarissa Francis, MA, Ronald Braithwaite, PhD, Rhonda Conerly Holliday, PhD, Tiffany Zellner, MPH, and Jean
    Bonhomme, MD
    Morehouse School of Medicine

    Take Charge is a project that provides sexual health education, substance abuse risk reduction, HIV, and Hepatitis C
    testing and linkage to care for communities and college campuses in Atlanta, Georgia.   This project prioritizes the
    development and implementation of strategies which prevent and reduce substance abuse and the transmission of
    HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C among African American young adults ages 18-24. Research has shown that strategies to
    reach this high-risk population are desperately needed. Therefore, this project aims to combat challenges to
    prevention among this population such as lack of awareness of HIV and Hepatitis C status, access and availability of
    condoms among those who are sexually active, lack of knowledge on transmission routes of HIV, Hepatitis C and the
    role that substance use plays on decision making. More Information
Institute for Successful Leadership, Inc.
7807 Chatterley Court
Orlando, Florida  32835 USA
Email:  THEISL4U@aol.com